JellyNauts APK

JellyNauts APK is a Game developed by Yodo 1 for Android and IOS. This game is completely free. In 5v5 battle mode your can team up with your friends and beat other players around the world or you can fight to be the best. Download JellyNauts app from below link and enjoy game of fruits.

Download Jellynauts APK

jellynauts JellyNauts Download

Name: JellyNauts Apk
Version: 1.1.0
Size: 65.9 MB
Last Updated: May 02, 2018
Platform: Android

JellyNauts Apk

Jellynauts allows players to weapons such as swords, wand, or even a pan to make fruits jelly. Main player is like a witch who can use magical attacks on enemies. Players can upgrade and can transformed in to giant monsters.  You can customize your players as you like and contain different players.


In 5v5 game mode you can call friends to help in the fierce. Most fun and enjoyable with friends where you can show your skills to your friends and other online players around the world. Prizes you can won are new costumes , jewelry and etc.

Game graphics and gameplay is very interesting and good. This game was developed in 2D graphics where every picture in the game is very sharp and high quality. According to my opinion background music of this game is very good and love to play with music.

Features of JellyNauts Apk

  1. Hundreds of Jellynaut customizations to choose from, define your own style
  2. Runes to upgrade your Jellynaut to overpower your enemies in the heat of battle
  3. In game boosts and power-ups to keep the gameplay dynamic
  4. Real Time action to keep you on your toes
  5. Multiple Game Modes and objectives

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